biography ![]() Juice & potato addicts. Completed Diploma in Logistics Management in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Hope to be able to get into NTU or NUS this year. Currently working as an Admin Executive. |
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Monday, August 2, 2010 USING OHH-MANDY.TUMBLR.COM love
Sometimes i wonder, was i over-reacted or is really his fault? Anyhow, the problem is over and past. Maybe our love is too strong to be apart, because i know how much happiness we had when we were together. Looking back, happy memory is more than the sad ones, thus he asked me: Do i really wana give up this happiness? I know i dont. I really really hope that we can just be like this forever, no more changes is that possible? We had fun last weekend :) 爱可以那么简单,也可以那么困难。 哎~,爱。
Thursday, July 29, 2010 人生变化莫测,还来不及喘口气,周遭的人事物不同了。 说变就变,适应能力差的我还在努力做出调整。 既然是我做出这个选择,就不该后悔。 当然会舍不得,但总不能为这三个字而活。 错的又不是我。 人嘛,是要向前看的,活在过去只会让自己未老先衰。 哎~,爱。 不排除再在一起的可能性。 :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Saw her blog & facebook i feel fortunate that my life are filled with happiness with my family, boyfriend, and good friends around. What happen to her? Seems like 自甘堕落,still havent grow up, have a child mindset. However, from the bottom of my heart i hope that one day she will grow mature, be responsible and lead a better life. 一与二
Thursday, July 22, 2010 一个人是体会不到两个人在一起的幸福。 但两个人都能体会得到一个人的寂寞。 这就是为什么,一旦热恋过的人不会停止寻找另一半。 这也是为什么,情可以让凡人生死相许,把凡人变成了烦人。 跟他在一起两年半的我,还处于在热恋期, 一点也不寂寞 :D bfF
Monday, July 19, 2010 After browsing through so many blogs, realised one thing all of us girls have in common. Getting more and more dependent on our bf as the relationship gets longer. Why? haha interesting. Girls nowadays thought ourselves are independent however end up the opposite, unknowingly. When bf serve NS, their gf start to find themselve lonely and whine. Instinct? (: Loving u is the best thing happen in my life
Friday, July 16, 2010 ![]() 有难同当
我从你们身上看见了友情。 被对方骂,一点都没有影响你们之间。 有福时你们同享,有难时寸步不离的陪伴且同当。 好羡慕哦。我也希望有这么一个朋友。 祝福你们! 不知道为什么我碰到的人,都是些狼心狗肺的,见利忘义,忘恩负义! 真他妈的气! 对他们好真是太太太不值得了。 还好还不算是我的朋友时就看清了你,不然就真给你吃了。 我每次对人太好后都会这样,为什么,因为得寸进尺吗? == From my bro and da sao (: 缘分
Thursday, July 15, 2010 我相信缘份。 它是个很微妙的东西,深奥复杂,难以言喻,也常常让人不信都不行。 每个人能相识,相知,相惜,一切的一切都是从缘分开始。 但,相识易相知难。 能相知是一种感动,相惜是一种奢侈关系。 所有的所有,我都很珍惜。 不过,你们呢? 你搭公车最怕什么呢?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 我啊,怕旁边坐了个浑身散发出浓浓古龙水的味道的人!(或汗水,臭味等...) 今天就给我碰到,熏死我啦, 差点昏了过去。 她像是淋了古龙水浴,有够重的! 小姐,喷那么多是干嘛? == Received a call said i won the 联合晚报 carlsberg lucky draw. (My mama love to write her childrens' name for ALL sorts of lucky draw haha) Dont know what i won yet. |
Facebook Mandy Tan Wee Leng ![]() Create Your Badge Ads Affiliates Gina 呆子olivia 疯子hui xiaxue Bygones USING OHH-MANDY.TUMBLR.COM love 哎~,爱。 :) 一与二 bfF Loving u is the best thing happen in my life 有难同当 缘分 你搭公车最怕什么呢? Music Take a bow Designer: Eunice Inspiration: Plastic!Romance Color: Color picker tool Icon: Reviviscent |